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Levitating The Visual Body

Visual Exercise
Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.

Step Two
Then See your visual body standing in front of your physical body.

Step Three
Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.

Step Four
Then focus your mind on levitating your visual body off the ground.

Step Five
Once your visual body is off the ground hold it there for a minute.

Step Six
Then focus your mind on levitating back down to the surface.
Step Seven
Do steps four to six a couple of times before moving on. Then you can open your eyes.

Forest Technique

Visual Exercise
Step One
Get comfortable and relax.

Step Two
Then close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you.

Step Three
Now I want you to go for a walk in this forest you have created.

Step Four
A short time later you come across a clearing. Walk  into the clearing.

Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body.

Step Six
Next see your visual body levitating up off the ground and rising higher into the tree tops and hold your visual body there.

Step Seven
Now reach out and grab a leaf off the tree next to you.
Then see your visual body levitating back down to the ground below you.

Step Eight
Now place the leaf on the ground and fill the leaf with fifth force energy.

Step Nine
Then see the leaf levitating up off the ground and into the air about four feet and hold it there.

Step Ten
Then see the leaf levitating back down to the ground.

Step Eleven
If you want stay in the forest and practice this exercise then do so. If you don't want to stay in the forest just open your eyes.

Levitating A Small Object

Visual Exercise
Step One
Charge your physical body with energy.

Step Two
Then place a stone in front of you.

Step Three
Now focus your eyes on the stone in front of you.

Step Four
Then close your eyes and visualize that stone in front of you.

Step Five
Then visualize that your energy is blending with the stone.

Step Six
Then focus your mind on levitating the stone and the energy around the stone into the air about 3 feet using the power of thought.

Step Seven
Then focus your mind on moving the stone to the right using the power of thought.

Step Eight
Then focus your mind on moving the stone back to the center using the power of thought.

Step Nine
Then focus your mind on moving the stone towards you using the power of thought.

Step Ten
Now focus your mind on moving the stone away from you using the power of thought.

Step Eleven
Then focus your mind on levitating the stone back to the surface in front of you using the power of thought.

Step Twelve
Then in your own time open your eyes.

To do steps six to eleven a couple of times. Then if you want to try using another small object like a cup or a large object like a chair

Levitation Method: Part 2

Exercise Two
let's begin. In order to levitate using this method, you first must take one of the meditation position or posture, horse stance like in tia-chi or a sitting position like a half lotus or full lotus like in hatha-yoga meditation.
Secondly, with the tongue touching the roof of your mouth, you breathe in and out of your nose always.

Now you begin to close your eye or open them (is a choice), which ever you prefer. Next you begin by visualizing a sun that is the size of a basket ball or larger, the sun color is golden like the morning sun, and is about 4 to 8 feet above your head, and it shines and radiates its golden energy everywhere in all directions just like the real sun in your solar system and other solar systems.

Now as you visualized this phantom sun, you begin to see it with your visualization that it begins to shoot laser like fluid radiant energy into your head, your throat and your soul seat area, with your inhalation, and that this radiant fluid like energy is collected at the soul seat area (known also as the higher heart, it looks like a purple blue flame the size of a fist), located between the fifth chakras (throat chakras) and fourth chakras (heart chakras) in the 7th chakras system. P.s you can make the soul seat look like a golden sun also the size of the fist where you will collect the energy from the phantom sun above your head into that area with your inhalation. Now with your exhalation you begin to make the soul seat rotate clockwise or counter clockwise (is a choice) with the golden light collected energy from the phantom sun above your head making the soul seat looking like a sun also it golden light is radiating from your soul seat area in all direction (this is developing and increasing and collecting inner strength). Now repeat the process, of inhalation and bringing down the energy into your soul seat as well as collecting it there from the visualized phantom sun above your head and with your exhalation you see the sun golden fluid like energy being collected and rotated either clock wise or counter clock in the soul seat area and its light is radiated in all direction.
As you continue to do this, more and more, the repeated breathing and visualization exercise, your body will become lighter and lighter, the proton, neutron, and electron in your body will begin to flow upward. Then you will float automatically, when this happens, continue to breathe and visualize the about breathing and visualizing habit. So you can maintain your lightness of body, and then you must open your eye, and learn to control the direction of your new developed floating ability.

Remember you must learn to direct your body directional movements according to your choic of feeling. Because inner strengths obey your choice of feeling. The feeling is like swimming in water without holding your breath.

Human Levitation

A person becomes seemingly weightless and may be lifted from a chair on the index fingers of four smaller people. Although various explanations have been proposed, this classic stunt continues to mystify and amuse.

Stage 1
The person to be lifted should sit relaxed but upright on a firm chair. Feet should be on the floor and hands in the lap.
The four assistants should stand two on each side, one by each shoulder and one by each knee.
Each assistant should make fists with both hands, then extend the two forefingers and touch them together gently but firmly.
The two assistants standing by the shoulders place their extended forefingers under the seated person's left or right armpit. The other two assistants place their forefingers under the seated person's left or right knee.
The person to be lifted thinks "down" and imagines himself or herself sinking into the chair.
In this position the four assistants should try to lift the person. They will find it impossible.

Stage 2
The assistants should now place their palms on top of the seated person's knee or shoulder and together extert a steady force downwards.
While they are doing this, someone counts out loud from one to ten.
On the count of "nine" the four assistants quickly take their former positions with extended forefingers under the armpit or knee. On the count of "ten", they try again to lift the person. The seated person should think "up" and imagine himself or herself rising into the air.
If these instructions are followed carefully, the person will soar straight up into the air on the forefingers of the assistants.

You may not be able to achieve this the first time you do this but don't worry as things like this take time to master. But you will eventually get it with practice.
When you do achieve this don't start to freak out as you will lose concerntration and drop keep your mind on what you're doing.

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