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Get comfortable and relax.

Next close your eyes and fill your physical body with prana energy.

Then visualize the chakra in front of the mind's eye.

At the larger end of this chakra there is a brick wall.

See your visual body traveling towards this brick wall. When have reached the brick wall stop.

Have your visual body find the weakest point on the brick wall.

Then see your visual body pushing the brick wall down. If the brick wall does not come down try firing an energy blast from your hand at the weakest point on the wall. If the wall does not come down after the first try keep firing energy blasts until the brick wall comes down.

Behind the wall there is a telepathic grid. It should be a black void with little white flashes flying around in it.

Once you have found the telepathic grid say your name three times.

Then listen to one of the flashes it should sound like someone is talking inside your head. What is the flash saying to you?

Then try answering the flash by sending out your own message into the telepathic grid as it leaves it will flash before your eyes.

Then wait for a minute to see if anyone responds. If you get an answer well done you are connected to the telepathic grid

Question: Ask if anyone can hear you.
Answer: If someone hears your message they will answer.

If someone responds talk with him or her if you like and when you have finished talking with the person say good bye. Then open your eyes.

Get comfortable and relax.

Then charge your physical body with energy.

Now close your eyes and focus your mind on a thought.

Then visualize that your energy is blending with the thought.

Then in your own time see the thought moving out into the world and traveling to the person that the thought is intender for.

Then open your eyes.

Relax and have fun with these telepathy exercises because if you are tense there will be harder to do.

Get comfortable and relax.

Then charge your physical body with energy.

Now close your eyes and focus your mind on a thought.

Then visualize that your energy is blending with the thought.

Then in your own time see the thought moving out into the world and traveling to the person that the thought is intender for.

Then open your eyes.

PHYSICAL EXERCISE : Two Person Technique
For this technique you will need a pack of zener cards. You can buy zener cards or you can make your own it is up to you.

First thing you will need to do is work out who will be the sender and who will be the receiver for this technique.
Sender: Take the zener cards and sit down in front of the receiver and both of you get comfortable and relax and clear your mind of all Strenuous thoughts.
Sender: shuffle the cards and i want you to take the top card of the deck and look at the symbol on the card and remember don't show the card to the receiver.
Now focus on the symbol and in your own time menatlly project the symbol out through your minds eye towards the receivers minds eye.
Receiver : make sure your mind is clear of all thoughts and stay focused on the symbol that the sender is sending you
Receiver: When you think you have the symbol tell the sender what you think it is.
Do this through the hole pack of zener cards and see how you go. Then change rolls and see how you go.


The point of this technique is to help you with sounding out telepathic speech. we start with the letters of the alphabet and after we have mastered this technique we can work on single words and sentences.

Work out who will be the sender and the receiver of this exercise.

Now sit across from each other and clear your minds and relax.

Sender: Starting with the letter (A) and in your own time Say the letter A out loud and then say it telepathically to the receiver. This will help with your sound resonation and will add the sender and receiver when working with telepathy.

Sound resonation is used when we are working with the throat chakra in telepathic work and is the tool of speech and telepathic speech.

Then Move on to the letter B and so on till you reach the letter Z then and only then change rolls and see how you go.
Telepathy and Mind Power
The purpose of telepathy practice with cards.
In the Esp tests one practices to receive information only. With the telepathy test and exercises one learns to receive as well as to send information to others. It increases one's mind power and enables a person to project their feelings and intentions to others without having to say the words. It involves the use of the three types of symbols used in the Esp tests and exercises.
How it is done. Testing for mental telepathy requires 2 people. One is the sender and the other, the receiver. The sender focuses on sending a mental image or message to the receiver who must of course determine what the information is. The information used will be the three tools used with the Esp tests and exercises, symbols, colors, and combo symbols. The participants practice being both the receiver and sender of the information alternately.

Locally or at a distance
Mental telepathy can be practiced either locally (in the same room) or distance (using the telephone). Distance does not play a part in telepathy because the information can be sent or received at any distance.

Both the sender and receiver are in the same room and can be at the same table as long as the symbol cards are out of view of the receiver. (erect a barricade of sorts). The participants can also be in different parts of the room within voice distance of one another.

Use a speaker phone if one is available. Using the telephone is an automatic barrier with which to keep the receiver from observing the cards or media being used. Using distance also depends upon how much you pay for long distance service.

How to proceed using symbol cards:
Sender:Shuffles the deck and then proceeds to turn over the cards one at a time. Each card is first recorded on the score sheet before the sender focuses on it, trying to project the image to the receiver. After this is done for a moment, the sender says, "card ready" to notify the sender to begin to focus on what it is.

Receiver: As soon as the sender says "ready", the receiver focuses on what ever "feelings", "notions", "urgings" that first appear. It is important that the receiver say the very first thing that comes up as a choice for the "call". The sender then records the receiver's "call" on the score sheet in the column next to the card that was recorded there.  Later the "hits" can be tallied at the bottom of the column.  The point of course is that one does not get discouraged when not guessing the cards or getting a low score. This is a practice exercise that allows the development of mental telepathy ability. It is for training the mind in learning how to receive and interpret the symbols and perceptions.

Don't get bored.

Using different symbols helps to keep the the person being tested from getting bored which happens when using the same symbols over and over. It is important to maintain enthusiasm and interest when testing your self because it has been found to make a difference. When a person begins to get bored, their score often times goes down. That is why we have presented here, 4 varieties of colors and symbols. Test your self with all four, switching off when you lose interest in one or the other.

After you read the instructions on how to test and keep score, you can print the symbols and paste them on cards. The instructions how to do it are on each of the symbol pages. For color symbols, you'll naturally need a color printer.

 Telepathy and Mind Control
The purpose of telepathic practice with photos.

Testing for mental telepathy with other media also requires 2 people. One is the sender and the other, the receiver. The sender tries to send a mental image or message to the receiver who must of course determine what the information is. The exercise here is to use photographs of landscape scenes, cityscapes, people in gatherings and solitary situations, etc. This exercise provides visualization training for projecting complete scenarios that one wants to become part of their physical reality. This is mind control at its peak.
Locally or at a distance
Mental telepathy can be practiced either locally (in the same room) or distance (using the telephone). Distance does not play a part in telepathy because the information can be sent or received at any distance.

Both the sender and receiver are in the same room and can be at the same table as long as the photos or other media are out of view of the receiver. (erect a barricade of sorts). They can also be in different parts of the room within voice distance of one another.

Use a speaker phone if one is available. Using the telephone is an automatic barrier with which to keep the receiver from observing the cards or media being used. Using distance also depends upon how much you pay for long distance service.

How to proceed using photos or literature quotes:
Sender: Studies a photo, looking carefully at every detail on it. The theme (landscape, cityscape, event, etc.) making a mental note of colors, people, what is happening, etc.) and then tries to mentally project the details to the receiver. At this time the sender says, "ready".

Receiver:As soon as the sender says "ready", the receiver focuses on what ever "feelings", "notions", "urgings" that first appear. It is important that the receiver say the very first thing that comes up as a choice for the "call". The sender then records the receiver's "keywords" on a piece of paper.  Later the "hits" can be compared to the misses for the same media being used. This is more of a subjective rating of the hits, because the receiver is trying to perceive any number of things that can be present with the media. The point of course is that one does not get discouraged when not guessing the correct content in the beginning. This is a practice exercise that allows the development of the ability to pick up the content of the media. It is training the mind in learning how to receive and interpret the symbols and perceptions.

Don't get bored.
It's important to maintain enthusiasm and interest for best results. To avoid boredom, at the end of each run two or three media items, the receiver and sender can switch roles. However, they must each have separate record sheets so that they don't get a look at their own score until a predetermined number of  tries have been made by both persons.

Good Luck!
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